Things the Shark pack does that other packs cannot do
- Full color thumbnails including FLV's and 10bit MKV's
- (also allows users to select at what point by percentage to grab the thumbnail)
- Enable the Preview Pane for ALL newly enabled filetypes such as MKV and FLV.
- Explorer properties are displayed for non native filetypes such as MKV and FLV
- Updated often - and has update notification builtin
- Allow use of the PDVD12 decoders for 32bit LiveTV
- Supports the use of Xbox360 as Extenders to playback MKV files
- Allows singleclick setup of Bitstreamed Audio
- Support playback of MOD audio files and M4A files containing ALAC
- Supports playlist creation for use in Media Center
- Allow users to Enable/Disable codecs installed on their system
- Funtionality such as Win7DSFilterTweaker builtin.
- Support 'Add to Windows Media Player List' using rightclick on all files such as MKV.

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